Welcome to our resources page!
Here you will find a range of posters, activity books, handouts and more to support the inclusion of children with disabilities and developmental challenges.

We provide a range of stories that help children learn about school so they know what to expect and can learn helpful ways to respond to new situations. Each story comes with audio so that children who are blind and low vision, or find reading challenging, can still access these stories. We have also provided these same stories without pictures so they can be customised with personal images or photos that are relevant to the child or children you will read it with.

Classroom resources
You can access a class schedule so that children have visual prompts for what comes next, and self-monitoring forms to support them with managing their goals. We also provide a strengths and abilities communication checklist to facilitate communication between teachers and parents.

Supporting wellbeing
We provide resources to help children learn how to manage their emotions and problem solve. We also have posters celebrating the strengths of children, and you might also like to show students in your class the AllPlay Learn student site, where they can access information about seeking help.

Recognising and supporting student anxiety
AllPlay Learn’s Recognising and supporting student anxiety forms help teachers and students to reflect on:
- a student’s early signs that they are feeling anxious
- later signs that their anxiety is escalating
- triggers or contributors to the student’s anxiety
- strategies that may be effective at specific timepoints
Talking with families about their observations will help you develop a shared and richer understanding about the student’s anxiety. Involving students in recognising and responding to signs of anxiety can increase their autonomy and confidence. Some students may complete these forms independently, while others may find working with a trusted teacher, family member or health professional (e.g. their psychologist) helpful.
These forms can be used to support collaboration and communication across teaching staff, which can help create consistent supportive environments that foster a child’s sense of security and capability in managing their anxiety. You may also like to consider including these forms within an existing Individual Learning Plan to support the student throughout the year.

Illustrations of practice
Have a look at some primary schools and teachers sharing their experiences about creating safe spaces for children and supporting children through changes in routine. You can also observe a teacher and her grade 6 class learning about emotions and practicing relaxation breathing.
Social inclusion
We have provided a range of resources for facilitating the social inclusion of children with disabilities. There are a range of activity books and handouts that help peers understand how they can include and support a child with a specific disability. There are also posters that provide reminders about how to communicate with and include others. Finally, we also provide a poster that celebrates being different.