About sensory functioning

Sensory functioning describes how the body responds to sounds, textures, lights, smells, pain, temperature and other stimuli or information in the environment. Some teenagers can have reduced sensory awareness, such as teens who are Deaf, deaf or hard of hearing, or teens who are blind or low vision. Other teenagers may find some sensory input distracting or distressing such as those with autism.

Students who have increased or reduced sensitivity to sensory input may experience disruptions to their participation and engagement at school if modifications to the learning environment have not been made. All childrenstudents will differ in the type and severity of sensory concerns they have.

Use the tabs below to explore when and why evidence-based sensory modifications may be particularly helpful for some students.

Students with increased sensitivity to sensory input may react to:

  • Specific sounds or loud noises (e.g. they may cover their ears or become upset in large crowds or when you raise your voice; they may become distracted by background noises that others don’t notice)
  • Certain textures (e.g. fabrics, tags on clothing, tight socks, sand, or types of food)
  • Specific smells (e.g. perfumes)
  • Specific visual input (e.g. some types of lighting or another person maintaining eye contact)
  • Touch (e.g. they may avoid physical contact with others)

  • Modifications that aim to reduce the intensity of input (e.g. avoiding perfumes, changing lighting or offering opportunities to wear noise-reducing headphones), or help students to cope (e.g. a safe space to access, time to calm down), are most relevant to students with increased sensitivity to sensory input.

    Evidence-based strategies

  • Predictability and a consistent routine can help some students who find sensory input challenging.
  • Best practice tips

  • You could find out what colours, textures, sounds, or movements the student prefers or dislikes. You can support a student by working out which activities seem to most upset or bother a student. A Health Professional such as an occupational therapist can help provide more support if needed.
  • Other considerations

  • Giving first aid to a student with sensory challenges may be difficult if a student is upset by particular smells or textures. Some students may be upset by blood or bandages, or refuse to have an ice pack or medication. Talk with their parents and support team about how to manage first aid.
  • Relevant resources

    Visit our resources page for a range of resources that can help to create inclusive education environments for students with disabilities and developmental challenges. A particularly relevant resource for supporting students with sensory issues is:

    Strengths and abilities communication checklist

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