Transitioning to post-school education or employment
The completion of secondary school can be an exciting time for your child as they celebrate their achievements and look towards experiencing increased independence and adulthood. Transitioning out of secondary school can be a big milestone in the lives of a student and their family, and some families may at times feel stressed or emotional about these changes. Your child’s school, and in particular your school’s career practitioners, can provide you and your child with support in navigating and planning for a positive transition

Supporting your child
Parents have been identified by research as being the most influential factor in child education and career decisions. Your positive support, planning and encouragement is important for your child’s transition. Transitioning out of secondary school can be stressful for young people. Your emotional support, positive attitude and consistent encouragement may help your child if they are dealing with frustrations, disappointments or anxiety about upcoming changes. As a parent you will play an invaluable role in supporting your child with developing life skills at home, such as budgeting, hygiene, safety and housework. You can also support your child in developing independence, by providing opportunities for your child to make choices, take risks, explore and take charge of a situation.
While your child may benefit from support and guidance when planning a transition, it is important that their wishes are prioritized – that is, that they are actively involved in identifying their post-secondary interests and goals. When your child becomes an adult, they may need to navigate a range of situations where advocacy will be their own responsibility. Involving your child in planning their transition presents an opportunity to support them in building their ability to advocate for their own goals, interests and support.

Making decisions
There are a range of considerations that you may wish to explore with your child when making decisions on post-secondary education, training or employment. Discuss these considerations and explore options early. A range of post-secondary education, training and employment options can be found here.
AllPlay Learn's Strengths and Abilities Communication Checklist covers a range of strengths and preferences that are relevant to making decisions.
Have high expectations
Visit facilities or employers
Work experiences during school
Disclosure and Discrimination