Inclusive School Communities

Welcome to the AllPlay Learn inclusive communities pages. Here you will find evidence-informed guides and resources that support everyone in the school community to feel included and to be inclusive.
Inclusive school communities are places where all students and their families feel safe and a part of the school community, because different cultures, abilities, religious backgrounds, family structure and life situations are welcomed.
This suite of resources and guides focuses on inclusive communities that welcome students with disability and their families. Some of the guides and resources will still however be relevant for inclusive school communities more broadly.
Whether you are a school leader, teacher or other staff member employed within a school…
A parent or carer of a student with disability, or without disability…
A student with disability, or a student without disability…
Or someone who has a different role within the school community…
We hope you find these resources helpful in working together to create a school culture where everyone is welcomed and included.