AllPlay Learn Parents’ section offers a range of resources and information to support children with disabilities and developmental challenges in early childhood education and care settings. Resources include a guide to inclusion and resources and information specific to a range of situations children experience at long day care and/or kindergarten.

Parent guide
Find a step-by-step guide to navigating early childhood education and care settings for your child with a disability or developmental challenge.

Parent resources
Access stories, emotion cards, and other resources for supporting your child’s full participation in early childhood education and care settings.

Daily strategies
Read information about common daily experiences in the early childhood setting including sleeping, toileting, excursions and general health and wellbeing for you and your child.

Learn more about how to help your child transition into, between and out of early childhood education and care settings.

Information about diagnosis
Learn about the stages of infant, toddler and child development and where to get more help if you have any concerns.