Welcome to our resources page!
Here you will find a range of posters, handouts, and more to support the inclusion of children with disabilities and developmental challenges.

We provide a range of stories that help children with disabilities or developmental challenges learn more about early childhood education and care settings. Each story comes with audio so that children can listen to the story. We have also provided these same stories without pictures so they can be customised with personal images or photos that are relevant to the child or children you will read it with.

Inclusion resources
We have provided a range of resources for facilitating the inclusion of children with disabilities and developmental challenges. We provide resources to help children learn how to manage their emotions and problem solve. You can access a home schedule to help your child see what comes next when getting ready for childcare or kindergarten. We also have posters celebrating the strengths of children. Finally, we also provide a strengths and abilities communication checklist to facilitate communication between educators and parents.

Sleep resources
Research consistently identifies good sleep as essential for wellbeing. Sleep schedules can help children become familiar with bedtime routines and can reduce bedtime resistance. You can access an example of a sleep schedule below, with a template that enables you to add photos from your child's own environment.