Emotion and movement
story series

About the resource
Emotion regulation involves recognising, managing and expressing emotions in adaptive ways. It allows children to learn, socialise and engage in daily activities. Some students may need extra support and time to learn emotion regulation skills. AllPlay Learn’s Emotion and movement story series teaches children that fun moving activities can be used to help express or regular their emotions in healthy ways. It is important to remember that moving is just one strategy that can be used to cope with emotions, and that this may not work for everyone.

Add your own images stories

This story can be customised with personal images or photos that are relevant to the child or children that you will read with. We suggest taking photos of the child/children that are relevant to each page and adding to your desktop. You can then click on the icon on the following pages to add your own images. We also recommend printing in colour.

- I can move when I feel angry - add your own images (PPT, 1.65MB)
- I can move when I feel bored - add your own images (PPT, 1.53MB)
- I can move when I feel disappointed - add your own images (PPT, 1.61MB)
- I can move when I feel sad - add your own images (PPT, 1.49MB)
- I can move when I feel scared - add your own images (PPT, 1.68MB)
- I can move when I feel worried - add your own images (PPT, 1.53MB)